Summit Trail Makers Society relies on volunteers to accomplish most of our tasks and there a place for everyone on our team of generous volunteers.
Each trail has two Trail Captains who act as stewards of the trail. These Trail Captains organize workbees throughout the hiking season to perform maintenance and improvements. Our workbees are open to all members and offer the opportunity to help whether you are handy with a set of loppers or have training on the chainsaw. While many of the duties can be strenuos, there are tasks for all levels of fitness and comfort with equipment. Volunteers choose the tools and duties they are comfortable with and all workbees have at least one person with First Aid training in attendence.
Examples of the tasks we undertake on the average workbee include:
- Installing and removing sign in boxes and signage at the beginning and end of the season.
- Clearing overgrown brush along trails. This is accomplished either manually with loppers or with powered tools depending on the amount of growth. While we don’t aim to turn our trails into highways through the forest, a well maintained and clear path is safer and helps keep footprints where they belong.
- Clearing larger trees from the trail that have fallen over the winter. This is a yearly task on most trails as deadfall enivitably lands across the trail creating safety issues. Handsaws are used for smaller trees and chainsaws are operated by trained members when the need arrises. STMS will pay for your chainsaw training if you attend three workbees as a chainsaw operator.
- Evaluating trails for larger projects. Trail Captains are always keeping an eye on their trails for improvements that will make for a safer and more enjoyable experience for hikers while considering the impact that we have on the land while we adventure.
While much of our work happens on the trail, there also opportunites to help on the administrative side of the organization. Our board of directors is always looking people that share the same passion we do for enjoying the all the outdoor experiences that the valley has to offer in a responsible and sustainable way. If that is you reach out let us know.